SimDif utilizes "Blocks" as the fundamental building elements for creating web pages. As the name suggests, Blocks function as building blocks that can be easily assembled to construct a web page. They also allow you to change the appearance or style of the block without affecting the content within it. For example, you can create a block which has a small image on the left and text on the right, and change the block type to large image on the right and text on the left.
Blocks can be easily moved up and down on a page, and moved or copied to another page using "Move" mode.
There are several types of blocks available in SimDif, including standard, special, blog, and e-commerce:
• Standard blocks are used for creating common page elements, such as images and text.
• Special blocks are used for creating more complex elements, such as maps, videos and buttons.
• Blog blocks are specifically designed for creating blog posts.
• E-commerce blocks are used for enabling online store or "Buy Now" button solutions, which include features such as payment options.
SimDif's system of content blocks makes web page creation truly easy, allows you to create a website with clear structure, and helps you improve your visitors' experience.