Take the time to choose the right name for your site
When you register a SimDif account you don't need to rush and choose a name right away.
You can choose to stick with the free simdif.com domain name, or purchase your own. The process of choosing the right name for your site is the same.
Essential qualities of a good name
It is important to choose a name that people will easily remember.
You can test it out by telling a few people your web address.
They should be able to type it correctly without making a mistake and without asking any questions.
Using your own name or specific keywords?
If you have a brand and you are sure that most of your readers will look for it on Google, make sure it is in your domain name. For example alixia•com or alixiarestaurant•com.
If your choice of name is available and easy to read without hyphens, for example alixiapizza•com, then choose this option.
Sometimes domains without hyphens will already be taken, so it's also fine to get alixia-pizza•com. If your choice is similar to alixiaartisanpizza•com, you might consider using hyphens to make it more readable, alixia-artisan-pizza•com.
If 'what you offer' and 'where you are' is at the heart of your website, consider putting these keywords in your name. For example, italianpizzalondon•com.
Sometimes you can put your brand, what you offer, and where you are in the domain name. You just need to make sure it is clear and easy to remember. For example danyhairdresserdelhi•com or alixiapizzalondon•com.
These are useful guidelines to be ready for people searching on Google, especially if your site is well organized. 2 terms are easy to remember, 3 is probably the maximum.
How to purchase your own domain name?
1. Go to Site Settings (top right gold button), and tap on "Website Identity".
2. Select "Site Address - Domain Name".
3. Tap on the green button, "Purchase your own domain name with YorName".
4. Go to YorName and purchase your new domain name.
5. A couple of hours after the purchase, make sure to publish your site to link it to your domain name.
SimDif is the first website builder app offering the same features on your phone as on computers.